Guangzhou DSPPA Audio Co., Ltd.

Bercakap tentang pelbagai

Vertical array speakersAdakah penceramah baru? Jangan tersesat, semua orang.Pelbagai baris's idea has been around for a long time, and this kind of math comes from astronomical computation of stars. It's just a little bit of application in physics and acoustics. The reason why a single Line Array sound sounds like a Telephone voice is that the vertical angle is narrow, the coverage of medium and high frequencies is narrow, the volume of speakers is narrow, and the traditional large-scale units are limited, which makes the low-frequency extension design challenging. At this time, when the site is larger than its coverage, the listener lives far away. If you listen at the location and then at the off-axis position, you won't get the effective sound pressure because the angle of fire is narrow and the energy has a good directivity in a certain position. As far as the traditional horn is concerned, the 60 X 40 degree horn with a cover surface at 20 meters can be very good to hear, even if it's off-axis. A 100 X 7.5 degree horn is different. At 20 meters, it has a good directivity, so a single horn like this can not be heard from its axis more clearly than a CD Hone. The blackness under the lamp is more serious than the traditional horn.

Jadi bilangan pembesar suara pelbagai talian adalah lebih, sudut cap menegak secara semula jadi akan meluaskan, dan bunyi akan menjadi semula jadi. Walaupun arah jauh ini masih begitu baik, lebih baik daripada penghantaran tenaga tradisional, tetapi bass tidak dapat dipadankan, walaupun unit pembesar suara bass adalah betapa maju, dengan ciri-ciri panjang gelombang dan lembangan kertas masih mempunyai had tertentu, Anda dapat melihat bahawa mana-mana pengeluar dalam perkembangan lewat array, telah melancarkan speaker bass terbang lagi, dan kemudian setiap harga tidak murah, pembangunan. Setiap peringkat akan dikemas kini secara perlahan dan berkembang.

If you listen to a traditional loudspeaker in the same place as a Line Array, Sudah tentu, pembesar suara tradisional berbunyi baik. Walaupun tekanan bunyi array lebih tinggi daripada yang tradisional, array tidak akan terdengar baik. Bunyi mampat berkepadatan tinggi adalah benar-benar hina. Gabungan lebih daripada empat tatasusunan akan mendapat indeks bunyi yang ideal. Walau bagaimanapun, aspek frekuensi rendah adalah tidak cukup untuk mana-mana satu jenama pembesar suara pelbagai. Isu-isu teknikal.

Its low/medium and low frequencies lag far behind the high frequency range. When a sufficient amount of Line ArrayDigabungkan, spektrum seragam muncul. Selain itu, tekanan bunyi cukup besar untuk digunakan. Penggunaan tatasusunan masih memerlukan pelbagai bunyi gabungan untuk mendekati tahap normal.

Berita Berkaitan
  • Tel:86 020 37166520
  • ADDRESS:No.1 Xiahe Rd, bandar Jianggao, daerah Baiyun, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
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