Guangzhou DSPPA Audio Co., Ltd.
Tel: 020-28346138
Fax: 020-81305947

LA1421S 15 inci subwufer pelbagai talian pasif


● Kuasa diberi nilai: 1000W Impedans: 4Ω Unit pemandu: 15 "x1 SPL maksimum: 134 ± 2dB Kepekaan: 104 ± 2dB Sambutan frekuensi: 32Hz-230Hz Sudut liputan (HxV): 100 ° x20 ° Dimensi: 521x779x685mm Berat bersih: 60kg

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The LA1421S is a 15-inch passive line array subwoofer designed with a rated power of 1000W and an impedance of 4Ω. Featuring a single 15" driver unit, it achieves a maximum SPL of 134±2dB with a sensitivity of 104±2dB. Operating within a frequency response range of 32Hz to 230Hz, this subwoofer offers a coverage angle of 100°x20°, measuring 521x779x685mm, and weighing a net of 60kg.

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